4.10 (10)
100 Hr (50 Days)
Course Contents: Ajax Basics, Passing Data, Ajax Applications, XSLT Transformations with JavaScript, Ajax/JavaScript Frameworks, More Ajax Applications, and Much more
Why we're The
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create interactive web applications. AJAX is about updating parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. AJAX uses a combination of HTML5 and CSS3 to mark up style information. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). It's a combination of a set of known technologies in order to create faster and more user-friendly web pages. With the help of AJAX, it changes content without refreshing the whole page.
AJAX Training is an advanced course. Before learning this, you should have knowledge of PHP, jQuery, and JavaScript language. These technologies are the base of AJAX Technology.
Graduate and Undergraduate
Job Seekers
This course covers JavaScript and the fundamental code syntax. It explores the Document Object Model (DOM) and explains its importance in creating dynamic web content. Additionally, it delves into jQuery, demonstrating its ability to streamline the design process and save time. The course also covers JSON for transferring data between front-end and back-end code. It includes PHP constructor code to enable interaction with MySQL for bringing in data from a web form. Furthermore, it explains how to achieve form submission without page refresh using AJAX. The course teaches how to use AJAX to retrieve data from PHP in JSON format and display it on a webpage. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how these technologies work together and how to build dynamic AJAX pages using web forms. Styling is also addressed through the use of Bootstrap. Additionally, the course covers how to output PHP array data as JSON for seamless integration into JavaScript and HTML.
The Purpose of Ajax
The XMLHttpRequest Object
The Callback Function
Dynamic Tables
Review of Object Literals
Back to JSON
JSON Parsers
JSON Advantages and
Login Form
Ajax Slideshow
Basic XSLT
XSLT in the Browser
The Mozilla Method
The IE Method/span>
Advantages and Disadvantages
XSLT in Ajax Applications
The Purpose of Frameworks
Choosing a Framework
Inline Editing
The content editable
Detailed Information on
Understand the basics of Ajax interactions
To Understand and use the XMLHttpRequest() object in Javascript
To Update the Browser Window's HTML content dynamically through the DOM
To Dynamically Create and Send Parameterized Queries to a Server
To Monitor Server Response for Process Completion
To Display Server Response in Plain Text
To Receive and Process XML Objects in the DOM
To Receive and Parse JSON Objects in the DOM
To Understand the Role of a Web Server in Ajax
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