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HTML & CSS Classes in Nagpur

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Learn HTML & CSS Programming : Beginner to Advanced

4.10 (10)

A round analog clock with hour and minute hands, showing the time100 Hr (50 Days)

Course Contents: HTML Essentials, CSS Fundamentals, Layout and Design, Visual Styling, Advanced CSS and Much more

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Why we're The

Best Training in HTML and CSS Programming

Website designing is an important part of IT industry. To be a good web designer you should have a complete knowledge of HTML and CSS. These are the basic requirements for designing a website. In today’s world of competition to be amongst at the top one needs media. Websites are playing a key role in today’s life.

Many jobs are available for web designers than before. Many big companies demand experienced and quality web designers. The scope of web designing is always high. In today’s web and internet world, people want creative website when they are accessing it. Top company web development of India gives up to 8-10 lac per year for an experienced web designer. So its very good field for working and also it creative field.

HTML5 and CSS3 represent numerous opportunities in web development for businesses that develop and deploy online content and web applications. Overall, by using both of these tools in your businesses’ web development you can optimize your users’ web experience, provide a solid foundation for your SEO and content marketing strategy and significantly reduce your cross-platform web development and support costs whilst increasing your reach and optimizing web experience.

Advantages of HTML5 and CSS3

  • Cost effective Multi-Platform Development

  • Good page ranking

  • Offline browsing

  • Consistency across multiple browsers

  • Extension of video to a wide range of platforms

  • Geolocation

  • A better user experience

Who can Apply?

  • All branch graduates or undergraduate students who want to learn web designing.

  • All stream students.

  • Job seekers to get quick job in IT field.

  • Any who wants to learn a new skill or improve skill for there career.

Required Knowledge

  • Basic computer knowledge.

  • General knowledge of website working.

  • Basics of Photoshop else alright if don’t know.

HTML5 Modules

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML5 is a revised version of the original HTML standard created in 1990 by the World Wide Web Consortium to define an Open Web Platform. HTML is a language used for structuring and presenting content on the Web consistently, across web browsers. HTML5 is the evolution of that standard to meet the increasing demands presented by today's rich media, cross-device and mobile internet access requirements.

An image of a green paper W3C and W3C Members

An image of a green paper Why WHATWG?

An image of a green paper What is Web?

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper Parts in HTML Document

An image of a green paper Editors

An image of a green paper Basic

An image of a green paper Elements

An image of a green paper Attributes

An image of a green paper Headings

An image of a green paper Paragraphs

An image of a green paper Formatting

An image of a green paper Links

An image of a green paper Head

An image of a green paper CSS

An image of a green paper Images

An image of a green paper Tables

An image of a green paper JavaScript

An image of a green paper HTML XHTML

An image of a green paper HTML4 Drawbacks

An image of a green paper HTML5 HISTORY

An image of a green paper New Features and groups

An image of a green paper Backward Compatibility

An image of a green paper Why HTML5?

An image of a green paper Why HTML5?

An image of a green paper m or mobi or touch domains

An image of a green paper Common Terms in HTML5

An image of a green paper The DOCTYPE

An image of a green paper Character Encoding

An image of a green paper < acronym>

An image of a green paper < applet>

An image of a green paper < basefont>

An image of a green paper < big>

An image of a green paper < center>

An image of a green paper < dir>

An image of a green paper < font>

An image of a green paper < frame>

An image of a green paper < frameset>

An image of a green paper < isindex>

An image of a green paper < noframes>

An image of a green paper < s>

An image of a green paper < strike>

An image of a green paper < tt>

An image of a green paper < u>

An image of a green paper < xmp>

An image of a green paper New Semantic/Structural Elements

An image of a green paper < article>

An image of a green paper < aside>

An image of a green paper < bdi>

An image of a green paper < command>

An image of a green paper < details>

An image of a green paper < dialog>

An image of a green paper < summary>

An image of a green paper < figure>

An image of a green paper < figcaption>

An image of a green paper < footer>

An image of a green paper < header>

An image of a green paper < mark>

An image of a green paper < meter>

An image of a green paper < nav>

An image of a green paper < progress>

An image of a green paper < ruby>

An image of a green paper < rt>

An image of a green paper < rp>

An image of a green paper < section>

An image of a green paper < time>

An image of a green paper < wbr>

An image of a green paper What is Canvas?

An image of a green paper Create a Canvas

An image of a green paper Canvas Coordinates

An image of a green paper Canvas – Paths

An image of a green paper Canvas – Text

An image of a green paper Canvas – Gradients

An image of a green paper Canvas – Images

An image of a green paper What is SVG?

An image of a green paper SVG Advantages

An image of a green paper Differences Between SVG and Canvas

An image of a green paper Comparison of Canvas and SVG

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper Make an Element Draggable

An image of a green paper What to Drag? Where to Drop?

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper Make an Locate the User’s Position+

An image of a green paper What to Handling Errors and Rejections

An image of a green paper What to The getCurrentPosition()

An image of a green paper What to Geolocation object

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper Video / Audio on the Web

An image of a green paper How It Works?

An image of a green paper Video / Audio Formats and Browser Support

An image of a green paper HTML5 Video / Audio Tags

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green papercolor, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week

An image of a green paper < datalist>

An image of a green paper < keygen>

An image of a green paper < Output>

An image of a green paper New attributes for < form> & < input> New attributes for < form>

An image of a green paper autocomplete

An image of a green paper no validate

An image of a green paper autocomplete

An image of a green paper form, formaction

An image of a green paper autofocus

An image of a green paper formenctype, formmethod

An image of a green paper formnovalidate

An image of a green paper formtarget

An image of a green paper height and width

An image of a green paper list, min and max

An image of a green paper multiple

An image of a green paper pattern (regexp)

An image of a green paper placeholder

An image of a green paper required, step

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper What are Semantic Elements?

An image of a green paper Non-semantic elements: < div> & < span> Semantic elements: < form>, < table>, & < img>

An image of a green paper New Semantic Elements in HTML5

An image of a green paper < header>

An image of a green paper < nav>

An image of a green paper < section>

An image of a green paper < article>

An image of a green paper < aside>

An image of a green paper < figcaption>

An image of a green paper < figure>

An image of a green paper < footer>

An image of a green paper New Media Elements

An image of a green paper < audio>

An image of a green paper < video>

An image of a green paper < embed>

An image of a green paper < source>

An image of a green paper < track>

An image of a green paper Browser Support

An image of a green paper What is Multimedia

An image of a green paper Multimedia Formats

An image of a green paper Video Formats

An image of a green paper Sound Formats

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper Using MathML character

An image of a green paper Matrix Presentation

An image of a green paperMath Formulas

An image of a green paper What is Web Worker ?

An image of a green paper Check Web Worker support

An image of a green paper Create a WebWorker file

An image of a green paper Terminate a Web Worker

CSS3 Modules

CSS stands for 'Cascading Style Sheets' and is the language of design for web pages, giving site designers the ability to suggest how their site documents are styled. CSS is interpreted by all graphical web browsers regardless of device or operating system. It allows a logical division between the structure of a web page, (handled by the HTML) and the way it should look. CSS can be used to tailor the appearance of a web page specific to a particular device or screen size. In short, CSS is the language used for implementing front-end web design.

An image of a green paper CSS Basics

An image of a green paper CSS Introduction

An image of a green paper CSS Syntax, CSS Id & Class

An image of a green paper CSS Styling, Styling, Backgrounds

An image of a green paper Styling Text, Styling Fonts

An image of a green paper Styling Links, Styling Lists

An image of a green paper Styling Tables

An image of a green paper CSS Border

An image of a green paper Introduction

An image of a green paper CSS3 Modules

An image of a green paper Selectors

An image of a green paper Box Models

An image of a green paper Backgrounds & Borders

An image of a green paper Text & Effects

An image of a green paper 2D/3D Transformations

An image of a green paper Animations

An image of a green paper Multiple Column Element

An image of a green paper User Interface

An image of a green paper border-radius

An image of a green paper box-shadow

An image of a green paper border-image

An image of a green paper background-size

An image of a green paper background-image

An image of a green paper background-color

An image of a green paper background-repeat

An image of a green paper background-position

An image of a green paper text-shadow

An image of a green paper word-wrap

An image of a green paper @font-face rule

An image of a green paper font-stretch

An image of a green paper font-weight

An image of a green paper How does it work?

An image of a green paper Browser Support

An image of a green paper 2D Transform

An image of a green paper translate()

An image of a green paper rotate()

An image of a green paper scale()

An image of a green paper skew()

An image of a green paper matrix()

An image of a green paper rotateX()

An image of a green paper rotateY()

An image of a green paper How does it work?

An image of a green paper transition-property

An image of a green paper transition-duration

An image of a green paper transition-delay

An image of a green paper CSS3 @keyframes Rule

An image of a green paper Browser Support

An image of a green paper Animation, animation-duration

An image of a green paper column-count

An image of a green paper column-gap

An image of a green paper column-rule

An image of a green paper resize

An image of a green paperbox-sizing

An image of a green paper outline-offset

What will you are going to Learn?

  • Real-world skills to build real-world websites: professional, beautiful and truly responsive websites

  • A huge project that will teach you everything you need to know to get started with HTML5 and CSS3

  • The proven 7 real-world steps from complete scratch to a fully functional and optimized website

  • Simple-to-use web design guidelines and tips to make your website stand out from the crowd

  • Create static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages.

  • Create User-Friendly websites with attractive designs.

Want to become a Web Developer, Web Designer, or Front-end Engineer?

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Join WebGurukul to unlock your potential!

Transform your career in tech. Master HTML and CSS with our expert-led training and become a proficient Front-end Developer

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